Monday, 31 October 2022

Rugby League World Cup Data Visualisation Project - England point-scoring moments and point-conceding moments after 3 games

Once again, I'd like to that for having the data in a really easy-to-read format. For this game, the link is here -

There were 64 scoring moments for England.

When did England score?   When-England-score-points-after-the-3rd-game 
There are a couple of minutes where there are a higher concentration of points. They are at 5, 12, 23-26, 39, 49, 62, 66-67, 74, 76 and 79 minutes.

Who scored for England?


17 different players have scored for England. The only England players who haven't scored are Michael McIlorum, Mikolaj Oledzki, John Bateman (!), Chris Hill, Mike Cooper, Morgan Knowles and Sam Tomkins of all people. What's going on there then?

England point scoring moments by time and player:


Number of England point-scoring moments players were on the pitch for:

Number-of-Scoring-Moments-Players-Were-On-The-Pitch-For-After-3-Matches Dominic Young and George Williams were on the pitch for every England scoring moment (all 64). Oledzki was on for the least of any English players (6). 

If we look at the players who were on the same time with each other when points were scored, looking at both the matrix and the network diagrams, Oledzki has played himself out. He is the player with the least interactions in the matrix diagram and the only England player not present on the network diagram. Matrix-after-3-games Network-diagram-after-3-games From the matrix, you can see a clear core (Young, Williams, Welsby), with two groups of possible teammates. 

The lower group of teammates are slightly darker, suggesting more frequently co-occurring when England score. If Wane goes with that, it's a team of Young, Williams, Welsby, Sneyd, Tom Burgess, Tommy Makinson, Ryan Hall, Andy Ackers, Joe Batchelor, Kai Pearce-Paul, Morgan Knowles, Chris Hill and John Bateman as your starting 13. Which is ... not a terrible idea. 

It's obviously skewed by the sheer number of points England scored against Greece, a game Sam Tomkins missed, but I suspect that 13, with Tomkins instead of Makinson, Radley instead of Hill (providing he doesn't have an elbow injury) and Elliot Whitehead instead of Joe Batchelor might be the starting 13 for the quarterfinal. 

If we look at the points England conceded: Points-scored-against-England-after-3 

 I still cannot reconcile myself to the French game having been tighter than the Samoa game for England. It makes no sense. 

The Greek game put paid to my theory that England concede more in the 30-40th minute. Opponents-Score-Time-and-Team-After-3 

As to who is on the pitch when England concede: England-Players-on-pitch-when-opposition-scored-after-3 

It's slightly unfair because Williams and Young were on for more than anyone else because they played 80 minutes in all 3 games. 

The interesting and unexpected is that Chris Hill wasn't on the pitch for any concession of points, the only player where that is the case. Partly, I suspect it's because he's only played limited minutes, but it suggests there's life in the old dog yet. Concede-matrix-after-3 

I think England only conceding 9 point-scoring moments is skewing this, just because most were in the France match so the players from that match are strongly highlighted.

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