Making these charts revealed some interesting things:
1 - All teams have at least 1 player playing in their home league except Canada. I'm not sure if that's because the US league is both so strong and right next door.
2 - All teams have at least one player playing abroad.
3 - Adding more teams has made the diagram much messier.
4 - A remarkable number of Zambia's players (4/23) play in the Kazakh league. Also, I found out there was a Kazakh league. This shouldn't have surprised me.
5 - There are Saudi Arabian women's teams. That really did surprise me.
Looking at the community view, there are 32 teams but 24 communities.
The communities are as follows:

The following are my predictions from this diagram, with the caveat that it was really hard to distinguish the centre of the diagram.
Group A - Philippines and New Zealand out, but closer than expected (I said this before the NZ vs Norway game and have witnesses to me saying it. Multiple witnesses. I should also apologise to Norway for drawing them in my work sweepstakes.)
Group B - Nigeria and Ireland out
Group C - Zambia and Costa Rica out
Group D - China and Haiti out
Group E - Portual and Vietnam out
Group F - Brazil and Panama out, but that sounds weird to my ears
Group G - South Africa and Argentina are out, but see previous statement
Group H - Morocco and Colombia out
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