Friday, 18 February 2022

6 Nations 2021 Data Visualisation Project - Italy

Team: Italy 

Number of point scoring occasions: 16 

Number of players present for at least 1: 28 

Who scored the points? 

Not unexpectedly, the kickers. 

When were the points scored? u7Zio2.png 

Italy's points tend to be scored in the first 20 minutes of each half. Possibly this is related to the terrible phenomenon of "Italy are in the game for 60 minutes and then it all falls to pieces". 

Who scored when? 

(Sorry about the colour clash between Garbisi and Ioane) 

Who was present for more than one point scoring opportunity? u7ZMZN.png 

Only Ioane was on the pitch for all Italian points scored, then there's a clump of 6 players (Negri, Garbisi, Lamaro, Bigi, Meyer and Brex) who were on the pitch for 14/16 points scored.


Other than Riccioni, there's no-one who is a clear "front row 50th minute sub off", possibly because players who were subs in one match were starters in the next. 

Who was on the pitch at the same time when points were scored? 


The Italian heatmap ... is a Rorshach blot that looks like a beetle. Again, this possible reflects the same thing as the "when players played" diagram, because players who were starters in one match were subs in the next. 


As well as Riccioni sticking out (also seen in other diagrams), Lovotti, Cannone and Fischetti do, and I think they're all front rowers. (Double checks) Lovotti, Riccioni and Fischetti are props, but Cannone is a lock so I can't explain that. I will discuss with the subject matter expert and amend if I get any more information. 

(Files for this: json - Rproj - )

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