Thursday, 29 October 2020

Ferrari Foul-Up Bingo - After the Portuguese Grand Prix

No new squares dabbed.  Ferrari actually did well this time.  Well, one of them did and I think we've all given up on Sebastian Vettel, including Vettel himself.

There was another flicker of hope, above and beyond Leclerc's result.  Ferrari tried something different and clever with their tyres, and rather than it blowing up in their faces, as I had expected to happen, it turned out to be the right tyre choice.  Other teams changed their strategies to match Ferrari's rather than the other way round.  I haven't seen that in years.  It gives me hope for the future, for next year, when Ferrari will have two drivers who give a damn.

I have dabbed the strategy fail square, and that which is dabbed cannot be undabbed, but in thanks for the strategy team bucking up their ideas, I offer the Cookie of Competence.

Keep it up!

(I have many thoughts about Hamilton breaking Schumacher's record, but they are somewhat clouded by me being both a Schumacher fan and a Ferrari fan.  I am aware I am unreasonable on the matter.)

Other than Ferrari Foul-Up Bingo, this might be my last big post for a while.  I'm working on a post that involves going through 11 years worth of F1 results, and some number crunching.

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